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Marlan wins the 2018 Mersey Maritime Innovation Award

For the second time in less than 12 months we’ve received fantastic news and won another innovation award! The Mersey Maritime Innovation awards are a prestigious annual award and, following our success with the Merseyside Innovation Awards last year, we entered Synoptic, the unique data service that autonomously monitors coastal evolution and hydrodynamic regimes in near-real time.

Managing Director of Marlan; Alex Sinclair receives the Innovation Award from Louise Minchin

At a 450 strong gathering of maritime professionals, politicians and media celebrities at Liverpool FC’s Anfield stadium, Managing Director Alex Sinclair received the innovation award from the BBC’s very own Louise Minchin.

We are really excited to continue our success in innovation this success by winning the Mersey Maritime Innovation Award 2018. It will certainly provide great exposure to both our traditional customers and to new potential customers who would greatly benefit from Synoptic data services that we are now able to provide. Winning this prestigious award will help to shine the spotlight on this currently little-known and newly developed technology. The receipt of this award will also help to establish Merseyside as a centre of excellence for this technology with several of the earliest deployments taking place locally and continued R&D with local academic institutions and organisations.

The award was sponsored by Peel Ports Group (one of our oldest customers) and really shows that the Maritime industry recognise the value that Synoptic can bring to their organisations.

Stay tuned as we expand on this innovation award and help our customers understand where sea meets land!

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